Jowls are commonly associated with ageing in the lower half of the face. Both men and women complain about sagging skin in the jawline, neck and lower cheeks as it creates a double chin or “turkey neck”.  This is an area where facial rejuvenation treatments can restore the natural look and shape of your face.


Consultation with Dr Choroomi

Your facial anatomy is unique and distinctive, therefor all treatments must be individually customized to match your aesthetic needs and desires. During your initial facial rejuvenation consultation, Dr Choroomi will:

  • Examine the skin and contours of your face and neck.
  • Listen to your concerns.
  • Discuss why you desire facial rejuvenation, including expectations and desired outcomes.
  • Explain surgical and non-surgical options.
  • Review treatment options and answer and any questions.

Photography and digital imaging may be performed to give you an idea of what your jawline and neck may look like after facial rejuvenation.

This concern can be treated with: